3 things you didn’t think you needed before your baby arrived, but you do!

When planning for your little ones arrival stop for a second & consider your needs too. As we know a happy mummy/daddy means a happy baby so let’s change perspective for a moment.

SLEEP DEPRIVATION is going to be the biggest struggle and if you, like me, had to return to work after a fortnight, you are going to need to rely on a good night sleep if you want to focus on your day job to support your new family. Having a spare mattress in another room or decking out the sofa can be the temporary answer to your sanity.

BREASTFEEDING can be one of the hardest road blockers in the early days. You can get help with NHS breastfeeding groups and it may be wise to consider a breast pump. You can hire them or purchase a manual one as cheaper options. This can give your other half a break or if they need to go back to work early, it gives you as the dad the chance to feed baby too, sharing in the bonding at the same time.

One thing we underestimated when our baby was born was how much mess there would be! Get stocked up with lots of extra muslins or cotton cloths to deal with the extra spills that will be flowing for many months to come. For dealing with sickness, spills, spit up, drying bums during nappy changes, the uses are endless.

So, here are the 3 things you didn’t think you needed before your baby arrived…

  1. A spare bed or alternative sleeping arrangements
  2. A breast pump: electric or manual , bought or hired
  3. Lots and lots of muslins or cotton cloths
