Relationship coaching & the 4 brave Questions to Ask Yourself

Relationship coaching – is it for you?

After 4 years of helping clients improve the quality of their lives and their relationships, it’s clear to me that you should ask yourself these 4 questions before embarking on the journey of working with a relationship coaching, counsellor or coach.

Relationship Coaching – yes or no?

1️⃣ AM I willing to develop myself for the benefit of my relationship?

Relationship coaching requires a willingness to grow and change. Are you ready to take a hard look at yourself and your behavioural patterns in order to improve your relationship? This means being open to feedback, taking responsibility for your actions, and being willing to learn new ways of relating to your partner.

2️⃣ Do I want to understand my partner’s perspective in full?

Effective communication is essential for any healthy relationship, but it’s not always easy to understand your partner’s perspective. Are you willing to listen to them and try to see things from their point of view? This requires empathy, patience, and a willingness to put yourself in their shoes. Relationship coaching could really help to align your perspective.

3️⃣ Am I willing to change some of my behaviours to improve our relationship?

My coaching often involves identifying and changing negative behavioural patterns. Are you willing to make changes to improve your relationship, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone? This might require taking risks, trying new things, and being open to feedback and constructive criticism.

4️⃣ Do I really know what I want out of this relationship?

relationship coaching

Before starting relationship coaching, it’s useful to have a clear understanding of what you want out of your relationship and a vision of how you want to feel in the future. 

Don’t worry if you’re still unsure on exactly what this looks like, because every couple is different and everyone has different needs.

Are you looking for more intimacy and connection?
Do you want to improve communication or resolve conflicts?

Getting really clear on your intentions will help you and your relationship coach, focus your efforts and work towards a happier and healthier future together.

Relationship coaching can be a valuable tool for improving your relationship, but it requires a willingness to grow, change, and communicate effectively and improve overall satisfaction. 

By asking yourself these 4 key questions before starting the process, you can ensure that you are ready and committed to the journey of improving your relationship.

Here are some ways in which relationship coaching can be beneficial:

  1. Objective Perspective: A relationship coach provides an objective viewpoint and impartial guidance. They can help identify patterns, dynamics, and underlying issues that may be contributing to the problems in the relationship.
  2. Improved Communication: Communication breakdown is a common issue in troubled relationships. A skilled relationship coach can teach effective communication techniques, such as active listening and assertive expression, to help partners understand each other better and communicate their needs and concerns more effectively.
  3. Conflict Resolution: Relationship coaching provides a safe space to address conflicts and develop strategies for healthy resolution. It helps couples learn constructive ways to manage disagreements, find compromises, and work towards mutually satisfying solutions.
  4. Rebuilding Trust: In cases where trust has been broken, a relationship coach can guide the process of rebuilding trust. They help both partners understand the impact of the breach, work through emotions, and develop steps to rebuild trust over time.
  5. Strengthening Emotional Connection: Relationship coaching focuses on strengthening emotional intimacy and connection. Through exercises, discussions, and interventions, couples can explore their emotions, deepen their understanding of each other, and develop a stronger bond.
  6. Skill-Building: Relationship coaching provides an opportunity to learn and practice essential relationship skills. These skills include effective communication, conflict resolution, empathy, and active listening. Acquiring and honing these skills can enhance the overall quality of the relationship.
  7. Relationship Maintenance: Relationship coaching is not solely for troubled relationships. It can also benefit couples seeking to strengthen their bond and maintain a healthy relationship. Regular check-ins with a relationship coach or therapist can provide guidance, support, and tools to prevent potential issues from escalating.

Overall, relationship coaching offers a structured and supportive environment for couples to work through their challenges, gain insights, acquire skills, and develop a deeper understanding of each other. It can provide the guidance needed to navigate difficult times, heal wounds, and build a healthier and more fulfilling relationship.

Further reading…

Have you ever wondered what predicts relationship happiness? Read this article HERE which reveals results based on over 11,000 couples that were interviewed across the world! Some interesting findings!

Once you do decide to take the leap into coaching your next step could be to upgrade your relationship habits,

If you feel you or your relationship would benefit from any of the support mentioned and you have answered positively to the questions above, drop me a message and let’s see if we’re the right fit to work together.
